Ingignis Academy Trust

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Insignis School Sports Partnership

We are delighted to introduce you to the ever-growing 'Insignis School Sports Partnership'. We are working with over 50 schools in Aylesbury, Risborough and Buckingham, offering a huge variety of sporting and physical activity opportunities to both children and staff. 

We offer a wide range of inclusive activities and events to primary schools and assist with facilitating their PE Curriculum. We are keen to ensure physical activity and sports are embedded into all of the local primary schools as we know this can have a lasting effect with many individuals and communities.

We are huge advocates for PE and Sport, and we know the impact it can have on all young people. For this reason we are running inclusive sports festivals for primary schools across the county, where students have the opportunity to compete and participate.

By signing up to our sports partnership, schools can also access free CPD for staff which they can take back to school, allowing for sustainable PE and extracurricular clubs, and this has received glowing feedback thus far. Free Youth sports trust membership, AFPE safe practice training and sports sessions within individual schools are amongst other benefits schools can obtain.

We are always welcoming new schools and look forward to meeting with familiar and new individuals soon. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Tom Brazier: Senior School Games Organiser                   

Rose Zubcevic: Assistant School Games Organiser